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Better Bovine's Logo in white

Hi, we’re Keith and Peter, co-founders of Better Bovine, and here's our story:


Better Bovine was founded on the belief that beef jerky could be a high-quality and clean snack.


Commonly associated with subpar cuts of meat, sugary marinades, and excessive additives, our goal is to challenge the status quo and redefine what quality beef jerky can be.


Better Bovine is known for making the cleanest, healthiest, and highest quality beef jerky in Canada. By exclusively using premium cuts from 100% grass fed and grass finished beef with no sugar, additives, or preservatives, we produce a beef jerky that has an unparalleled taste, a more tender mouthfeel, and a distinct flavour profile that celebrates the meat itself. ​Our beef jerky also has an exceptionally high protein content and unbeatable macronutrient profile.


At Better Bovine, we believe in going against the grain by using better ingredients, and embracing simplicity.


We're all beef. No bull.

Keith's signature, one of the founders
Peter's signature, one of the founders
An image of grassfed beef jerky

Prioritizing sustainability. Prioritizing our planet. 

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We're a small batch producer that uses 100% grass fed and grass finished beef raised using regenerative agriculture practices because it is better for the planet (and better for you). This means less food waste, a smaller carbon footprint, less pollution, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. 

Finally, a high quality and clean beef jerky. 

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