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Is beef jerky healthy?

Understanding the protein, fat, sodium, and preservative content of beef jerky to help you make the best snacking choices. Nutritional insights: beef jerky edition.

Beef jerky has become a popular snack among health-conscious individuals due to its high protein content. However, we still get this question – is beef jerky is truly healthy, or if it is just another processed snack. Let’s dive deeper into the nutritional value of beef jerky and how it compares with our signature 100% grass fed beef jerky. 

In a world where snacking is often synonymous with unhealthy choices, beef jerky stands out - but how does it truly fare on the nutritional scale? This staple snack, known for its convenience and long shelf life, packs more than just protein. With Better Bovine, you're not just biting into any jerky; you're enjoying 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef without the clutter of added sugars, preservatives, or additives. Is beef jerky processed? Not in our books. Our focus is on clean, straightforward nutrition, emphasizing the natural protein beef jerky offers. In addition to being an excellent source of protein, beef jerky contains vital minerals and vitamins, making it a smart choice for those seeking nutritious, on-the-go options.

Key takeaways:

  1. Beef jerky is a great source of protein and healthy animal fats. Remember to review the nutritional label to check protein and fat content - many big brands have dismal protein and fat content.

  2. The fat content in beef jerky varies depending on the cut of beef and the method of preparation. Animal fat is a great source of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, which are important for various bodily functions.

  3. Beef jerky brands often use preservatives and additives to enhance flavor and prolong shelf life. It's best to avoid these brands for health reasons - stick to brands that do not use additives or preservatives. 

How much protein is in beef jerky? 

One of the main reasons beef jerky is considered a healthy snack is its high protein content. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body, and it also helps to keep us feeling full for longer periods of time. Beef jerky is a great source of protein, with around 15 to 30 grams of protein per 50g serving. This makes it a convenient snack for people who are on-the-go and need a quick source of protein. 

Protein content varies across different brands largely due to dehydration and cut of beef. Simply put, dehydrating beef for longer creates results in a more protein-dense piece of beef jerky. Big brands minimally dehydrate their beef to achieve highest yield (i.e., more beef jerky); however, this creates a less protein-dense beef jerky. They also add a cocktail of additives and preservatives to ensure their beef jerky is shelf stable. Additionally, different cuts of beef also have different amounts of protein. Better Bovine beef jerky has about 26g of protein per serving. Our beef jerky is perfectly dehydrated to create a protein dense beef jerky, while retaining it’s tenderness and flavor! 

How much fat is in beef jerky? 

The fat content in beef jerky can vary depending on the cut of beef used and the method of preparation. Big brands typically use the leanest and cheapest cuts possible to create the highest yield. The fat content ranges from 1-15g per 50g serving size. However, this also results in in chewy, tough, and dry beef jerky. Better Bovine uses 100% grass-fed wagyu flank steak, which is known for its tenderness and slightly higher fat content. This means that our beef jerky has a slightly more fat than the big brands, clocking in at about 9g of fat per serving, a great source of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, which are important for various bodily functions.

How much sodium is in beef jerky?

Salt enhances the flavor of food by amplifying our taste buds' sensitivity to certain flavors, such as sweetness and umami, while reducing our perception of bitterness and sourness, ultimately leading to a more enjoyable eating experience. That’s why beef jerky tastes so darn good! However, moderation is key! One potential downside to beef jerky is its high sodium content. The sodium content in beef jerky can vary greatly depending on the brand and recipe, but on average, a 50-gram serving of beef jerky may contain anywhere from 200 to 800 milligrams of sodium. Many beef jerky brands use high amounts of salt to help preserve the meat and enhance its flavor. While some sodium is necessary for proper body function, excessive amounts can lead to high blood pressure and other health problems. A 50g pack of our beef jerky has about 560 milligrams of sodium - a moderate amount of salt to enhance the natural flavors of the meat. Not too high. Not too low. Just right. 

Are there preservatives and additives in beef jerky?

Many beef jerky brands use preservatives and additives to help extend the shelf life of the product and enhance its flavor. Some of these additives, such as sodium nitrite, have been linked to health problems like cancer when consumed in large amounts. Other additives to look out for include cultured celery extract, potassium sorbate, ascorbic acid, sulphites, and vinegar. Better Bovine’s 100% grass-fed wagyu beef jerky contains no added preservatives or additives, making it a healthier snack option for those who are looking to avoid these processed foods and non-natural ingredients.

Where to buy good-for-you beef jerky? 

In conclusion, beef jerky can be a healthy snack option for those who are looking for a quick source of protein. However, it is important to choose a high-quality beef jerky that doesn’t contain preservatives or additives. Better Bovine’s clean grass-fed beef jerky, made with zero sugar, meets all of these criteria, making it a top choice for health-conscious individuals. It may just be the healthiest snack ever. You can buy healthy Better Bovine grass-fed jerky online in the United States and Canada.